Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thodi Si Asha

Diwali day today and also the day where i fulfilled one of my long pending dreams - to light a 10000 wala !!

As much as i contribute to a pollution free environment - this is one dream which i could not wish away with my reasoning - be it monetary or be it with a social cause !! It was a sheer burn away of the little hard earned money. It was sound pollution for 5 full minutes.... but in that 5 minutes the myriad of emotions which ran through me - is something which is unexplainable - an extraordinary moment of rapture - comparable only to the next best thing : I hope somebody recognises this !!

I may be completely wrong by many a rule book : but who has made these rules !! Restrictions imposed by law, governments, society, families, siblings, parents and self !! As a law abiding citizen I firmly believe that my freedom ends where an other's nose begins - but that is all !! Every other rule has its twists and turns and its own flavours. Live life as a present .....

Thodi si Asha - maine aaj puri kar li !! With all these dreams getting fulfilled - i edge to the call of death with open arms - I have very very few dreams to be fulfilled before i RIP. Surely i should be known as a person who lived life every moment as it is present - fully and enjoyably !!

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