Sunday, October 12, 2008

To be or not to be.........

One of my favorite phrases of Shakespeare that has to yet sink in. The more i think about it the more engrossing it is !!

The duality of life is amazing. As Swamiji aptly puts it - you have to be the seer instead of the seen.. being a victim is one being victimised is another .... the choice is in your hands.... At every stage of life, every act during the day, every gesture of a moment - there is a choice, sometimes the choices are prominent - sometimes they are not and hence the decision becomes so easy that we think we did not have a choice but at times there are powerful reasons for each choice to exist that the decision is tough. This seemingly complicates our life and we get engrossed in the means rather than the outcome.

I have a choice to be happy over what life has doled out in the last couple of weeks - if i chose to ignore this happiness because it could also trail some not so happy moments for some one - some where !! But do i have a choice ? Of course yes !! Do i know the not so happy moments or the consequences ? May not be !! Then why do i fret ? Fear of the unknown !! Yes !!!!!!!!!! This is what I refuse to admit, but there is a hidden fear based on my prejudices, moral bars and perceptions !! This fear factor complicates life for me and those who love me.... So should i be happy or not be happy ??

I keep aside my fears and chose to be happy !! Life is too short to keep pondering over "To be or not to be........................."

1 comment:

Jason Bourne said...


Great to see you in the blogosphere. Great stuff!
