Friday, October 24, 2008

Festive Spirit

With Diwali just about a couple of days away, everyone around is in a festive mood. Shopping, Shopping and more shopping ....... As the much saved bank balances are getting depleted by the hour, it is time for bonding, sharing, giving gifts and thus the happiness that emanates - warms your soul - to the extent that bank balances are treated as material whims....

But come to think of it, if gifts were not bought, don't we still share our happiness during this time. Even if one did not feel ecstatic - the festive spirit around us - starts creating a sense of happiness - and in giving and sharing this starts touching us in a manner that it becomes a reality. What a wonderful way of creating this festive spirit in our souls !!

Hats off to our mythology - we weave stories around the reason of celebration - we do not believe it to be history - but we do celebrate !! Celebration of life is quintessential to our existence lest we get drawn into the quagmire of life - that is the essence of the festive spirit. The happiness which these festivities create reassure us that goodness wins over all evil. Hope is the straw which we hold on to in the most dire circumstances. And the festive spirit rekindles that hope.

Happiness is not complete without the feeling of love, feeling wanted, of loving - and this love is unconditional. A love which makes you wait with bated breath for a fulfilling moment - the festive spirit enables happiness resplendent with such love. So what am i waiting for - there is the festive spirit which is doling out happiness to me - completing my unrequited love - And i receive it with open arms, mind, soul and body !!

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