Saturday, November 15, 2008


A report of a conclusion !!

The definition is so profound - yet people all around me want me to rethink about my decision. To assert that their thinking is right and I don't have a capability to think ?? Of course with all good intention - I am sermonised - but God Bless me - he has given me the prowess to think too !!

When I have made a decision - I own its consequences. There is no blame game here. So why don't people allow me to decide ?? I could extend the same to - do I allow my near and dear ones to decide ?????????????? I have to advice them - make them see the logic and the pragmatism - don't I know that the Almighty has given them the thinking prowess too.... but when I do so -- I am brushed aside because I am naive and do not understand. Such is the dichotomy of life ....

My decision will pain the dear ones in the near term. But I sincerely hope it will also bring them immense happiness in the years to come - as it will surely to me. I have a conscience to live with - be it as an interference - a person who steals away some one's precious little treasure cove or be it as a recluse - a person who denies companionship for eternity to self and others. So my decision is made. Quite unthinkable a few hours ago - but there to stay for a lifetime !!

So does that stop me from taking plunge ... it is a choice i need to make ..... A decision - a report of conclusions I have to take !!

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