Thursday, September 11, 2008

Success - A Perspective

The Lord gave us two ends - one to sit on and the other to think with. Success depends on which one we use the most.
- Ann Landers

One of my favorite quotes,which has seen me through the ups and downs of life.... the choice is in my hands. Fate and Destiny are powerful terms and unknown, uncomprehensible by the common man. Fear of the unknown is one which eats into our very soul. So I know that I have to choice to sit and brood over my fate or think about "What Next". This phrase was my dad's driving force for me to plan and execute my next actions, be it in my professional life or my personal life. When overwhelmed with problems I would sit and cry. But will my tears change the situation or the person whom I want to change. Most often the answer would be no. In such a scenarious, why am I wasting my precious tears. So i would start worrying coz I should not cry.... But Worry is like a rocking chair.... it keeps you busy but takes you no where... So "WHAT NEXT ?" I have to do something to get out of my troubles. look at Plan B, if not Plan C and somewhere there are solutions. The path is tough, but there is a solution... and life moves on..

And so i always knew how to attempt for Success - which end to chose ? the one to sit on or the one to think with ?

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