Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Perception - Ordinary and Not-so-ordinary

Every man is free to have his perception of people and events. Perception is one's understanding, assumptions, reactions, judgements based on certain facts which occurs in the past or present. As a citizen, this definition is given and nobody delves into the realms and probably just brushes it aside with the thought/saying "It is so-and-so's perception" and life moves on.....

But does a person in position of authority like a political leader, Prime Minister, CEO, or the Presidents and office bearers of a social group have such liberties of brushing aside perceptions. The answer is a definite "NO". We fail and forget that these people are human beings too, but the expectation from them, because they have been gracious enough to shoulder responsibilities implies it is their bow down duty not to have perceptions !!

So are perceptions wrong ? No !
Can you refute someones perception ? You can try to do it - but may not achieve success - and this is not only dependent on you convincing and influential skills -it depends on how strong rooted the other perceptions are !!

So perceptions are common are ordinary - as long as they do not impact an other's life !!

When your perceptions do not fall in line with the norm - the not-so-ordinary - that's when either u could land in trouble or land others in trouble... And that is when all hell breaks loose...

I may sound as a matter of fact here - but right here as i write this article i am pounded by perceptions of two couples. While i am no one as a person to pass judgement, i am being looked upon for some encouraging words, since i hold a coveted role in my society. I hate this sticky situation - but i am warned from voicing my perceptions. It could be not-so-ordinary perception, but I should not voice it out ......

Anybody with similar experiences is welcome to share !!

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