Tuesday, September 21, 2010


The name of the game in the corporate world is CYA !

Many forms of this not so often stated strategy - except for coffee table discussions in closed groups. But do we challenge anyone with this. Or do we stop doing it !! NO WAY !! As much as we laugh when other do it, we do it all the time.

The ladder of the corporate hierarchy determines how we do it. As a novice, I did rave and rant. As I started climbing the ladder, I made it a discussion and ensured many peers knew about my plight and I garnered sympathy. Then I started keeping my boss bcc'ed on mails so that (s)he could anticipate what is coming and hence I bought an alibi. And then i learned the smarter way of talking it out to my boss and his peers as in the name of guidance I did CYA. And finally now I am in a mode of proactively keeping my boss informed about what is going to come to him.. Learnt along the path, and know there is miles to traverse before i master the art of CYA !!

Is there anyone who has other innovative ideas for doing so - just makes the learning process faster..

Aha... Another CYA !!

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