Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Cigarettes, whisky and wild, wild women — and a good sense of humor,"

What a wonderful way to summarise the longest innings on earth - Walter Breuning is the oldest man on earth today - living with a zest for life... Well in my humble opinion - he is living life on his terms.

The numerous scientific researches on the bane has not deterred the good old man. He may be an exception to the rule, but are not the No.1's the exception to every man made rule.

This leaves me wondering - on the dichotomy of life. Do I traverse the unknown path to live life on my terms or do I use the rulebook ? So many situations in life have taught me that the rulebook does not apply to me and I deviate - hence i am shunned by some, and loved by many. Do I win ?? Of course I tide over the troughs with ease and I am happy with the results - and that's what matters to me.

I don't do things to live long - but I definitely live life to the fullest. And hence I life to identify with this oldest person on earth - naah... no Cigis, no whiskey but am wild with my sense of humor...

So another zestful day has passed by, with another introspection and verification on life !!

Happy Birthday Walter Breuning !!

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