Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Outer Success

Does a relationship continue cos your successful ?
Here I am talking about those relationships like that of first circle of family - like aunts, uncles, cousins and friends - of the head and the heart.
And what I mean by outer success is your job, your bank balance, your visible lifestyle....

So does outer success have an impact on the relationship. Most often my experience has been a big YES as far as the family circle is concerned.

And I never felt, I had to question the impact as far as friends are concerned. But in the current phase of life - I begin to wonder... did my employment status impact the friendship... Have i gone wrong somewhere where i may have lost on some precious friends of the heart. I sincerely hope not... I love my friends and hate to lose them. But a big BUT.... when i need my friends the most at this hour... what has created this distance - that they have lost their little time for me ?

It pains and I am not able to reason it out. I value Friendship as the best relationship i have had and every person as a friend has left a mark in my life. We may not be in constant touch - but they have moved my life in a way which can be attributed only to them - do they know that ? I don't know - but i will be indebted to them for life.

Does outer success have an impact on the delicate fabric of friendship ? Any answers ??

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No I believe Outer success has no impact on friendship because you make a friend based on mental compatibility , your comfort level with the other person and most importantly what does your instinct feel about the other person.
You dont make friend looking at the success one has in career, bank balance color creed etc. So I feel ones outer success has no bearing on being friends with others. I am not saying such people do not exist but they are in minority