Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Double Edged Sword

How many times in life - have I been given an opportunity, an avenue to decide on the path, the destination ?? And the irony is every time this has been a double edged sword !! Whichever path I chose, I am the absolute winner or the absolute loser. Ain't that a wonderful situation to be in ??

So what are my learning's from these choices ? That I have taken responsibility of my actions and my choices. I have taken a risk, worked hard on it and I own the results. There are multiple occasions - where I have been the loser ..... but looking back they were learning's to make me a little wee stronger. Was not that a half glass full of water and i knew i had to add to add more water - if wanted a full glass of water. And sometimes when i did win, it gave me a new ray in a despondent life.

So does a double-edged sword exist - maybe not - It is just a idiom to reiterate to myself that i am responsible for my choices. Why am i talking about it now ? I have more than one double-edged sword hanging on my head - and i am sure much later in life this blog will remind me of the choices i have made !!

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