Friday, December 19, 2008


People love to create memories and then afraid they have created an indelible mark.

One man's gain is an other's loss - maybe - fear of the how and where it is going to be used... fear or tying one down. There is nothing right or wrong about the fear than the fear itself isn't it ? I feared to create some good memories - cos i was more bothered about the logistics of creating rather than the experience. Looking back i do regret - i did not create the great memories that i was capable of creating - be it at work or personal life !! So i really have nothing to reminisce !!

NO ! but i don't regret it - cos that would be measuring by someone else's yardstick !!

So what do i have now ... some very obvious memories which some people will remember me by.. some very dark secrets which is privy to me and i cannot share with anyone ... not even the soul which initiated it... so what am i talking about ? I am reminding myself to let go - allow the cosmos to absorb me as the soul - remove the man-made inhibitions - in the process i may appear selfish to some - selfless to some - but that is not the purpose of my existence... others perceptions and hence their memories about me !!

It is about give myself in all its entirety to the world created around me - my mom, my son, my career, and the numerous relationships i have entered into by choice - do my best and leave the rest to MEMORIES !!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Double Edged Sword

How many times in life - have I been given an opportunity, an avenue to decide on the path, the destination ?? And the irony is every time this has been a double edged sword !! Whichever path I chose, I am the absolute winner or the absolute loser. Ain't that a wonderful situation to be in ??

So what are my learning's from these choices ? That I have taken responsibility of my actions and my choices. I have taken a risk, worked hard on it and I own the results. There are multiple occasions - where I have been the loser ..... but looking back they were learning's to make me a little wee stronger. Was not that a half glass full of water and i knew i had to add to add more water - if wanted a full glass of water. And sometimes when i did win, it gave me a new ray in a despondent life.

So does a double-edged sword exist - maybe not - It is just a idiom to reiterate to myself that i am responsible for my choices. Why am i talking about it now ? I have more than one double-edged sword hanging on my head - and i am sure much later in life this blog will remind me of the choices i have made !!